DBmarlin 1.2.0 released featuring support for Windows

We’re thrilled to bring you another great monthly release that blends new features and enhanced support for Windows users. Customers running on Linux, don’t worry we will have more features coming your way within the next couple of weeks and of course these new features will apply to those running on Windows as well.
Windows installation
We’re excited to offer the ability to deploy DBmarlin on a host running Windows 2012 R2 or newer, so there is no longer the need to run Linux or the Windows WSL (Windows-Subsystem-Linux). Just download the latest setup file to run DBmarlin natively on Windows.
Windows host monitoring
Understanding the performance of your database is only one side of the coin; the other equally important one is the performance of the server or cloud platform on which the database lives. DBmarlin already has Linux host monitoring and now we’ve added Windows host monitoring as well, so that more people can gain this valuable insight. This initial version covers CPU and memory metrics with multiple disk I/O and network bandwidth metrics coming soon.
These metrics are viewable via our new hosts screen, or via any linked database instance, which provides a quick and easy way to see how changes to database performance correlate with your host and vice-versa.
The new DBmarlin community
Thanks to our continually growing community and customer base, we’ve received some incredible feedback that we’re taking on board. Your feedback helps shape our solution and highlights the issues and functionality that you want within a database monitoring solution, so please keep it coming. Why not follow the new DBmarlin community now to get involved.
Work in progress
Our work is never done! We’re already working on the next set of updates. You can expect additional hardware metrics and some comparison reports as well as some exciting-looking UI and UX updates.
Ready to try DBmarlin?
Ready to get hands-on with DBmarlin before deciding whether to try it for your business? We now have a DBmarlin Play site where anyone can see the product with real live data.
We value your feedback, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!