Instana link to DBmarlin for deeper database insights

Instana customers may have seen that since yesterday, with the release of 1.191, you now have a new button when looking at database metrics. Scroll to the bottom of the page, beyond the database metrics that Instana provides and you will find a new button linking to DBmarlin.
The link reads: “Looking for even deeper database insights? Check out our integration with DBmarlin” and takes you to a landing page where you can find out more about DBmarlin and Instana working together.
There, you will find more details about DBmarlin database monitoring and our special time limited offer to Instana customers to get 1 Premium license to monitor any database of their choice for FREE.
There is also a short video giving a you a flavour of what DBmarlin can do and how it integrates with Instana for deeper database visibility.
If you find a slow database query in Instana and are wondering, where do I go next, now you have the answer.
Even if you don’t have time to try DBmarlin with Christmas approaching, signup now anyway to get your 1 Premium license and you will have an exciting new tool to play with in the new year. 😃