Mick McGuinness
Mick McGuinness DBmarlin Co-founder & Product Manager

DBmarlin 2.2 released - with knowledge-base for execution plans

DBmarlin 2.2 released - with knowledge-base for execution plans

We are pleased to announce version 2.2 of DBmarlin in which we have extended our knowledge-base to include definitions of execution plan operations. We have also updated all the infrastructure components that run on the DBmarlin server as well as some other minor product updates and bug fixes.

Execution plan knowledge-base

In version 1.9 we added our knowledge-base for wait events so that you could easily click through to see what they mean and how they can be reduced. With this release we have done the same for execution plan operations which helps you better understand what they mean and how the database optimizer is executing your SQL statement.

For Oracle, Db2, MySQL and PostgreSQL these are linked within the execution plan as a new button in the right-side details panel.


Infrastructure updates

This release includes updates to the versions of all infrastructure components such as Java, Tomcat, Nginx and PostgreSQL to bring them up to the current point releases with the latest security fixes and patches.

What you would like to see next?

Remember to use the new feedback site where you can see what is being worked on, what is planned and the ideas suggested by others.

If you submit an idea, comment on, or upvote someone else’s idea, then you will automatically get notified when that features is being worked on and when it is delivered which helps us keep you in the loop.

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